Karmic Luck
I believe, that luck does occur to a person in an unexpected note at a time. Let me try to remember some of the good situations that would say like luck manifested at the right time.
My father when he was really young, was found to be working as an English Professor helping students learn the language English. Abruptly the institution had to close down and another opportunity knocked the door, a ticket to travel to the UAE with a work visa to look for a job just happened.
He never looked for, or took any effort to find this, it just came attracted to his life. It is just pure luck and a blessing I would say.
Because of this turn in his life, he found two other friends, together they started a Printing Business venture. With the ups and downs of life, they went forward, as a result, myself and sister completed our studies, and went through a lot of good experiences over the time.
Normally, people run around the world searching for a good job, and a good life or a good job opportunity, but this found him like luck without my father even planning for it.
Another situation was like he got to learn Fortan, a computer programming language, right before his degree; no one recommended him/he just learnt it, without thinking too much. That could be like 50 years back.
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