Growing up with 5

 As a child, my birth mother's life was filled with it's share of difficulties.

With parents who used to quarrel, and the olden way of mistreating a person who went outside home for work prevailed, so grandfather had to bear a lot of insult from family members due to this.

Some siblings were not given enough attention and financially it was hard for grandfather to make ends meet.

But I believe, each time my mother used to narrate her childhood, I personally feel she learnt to be tough, strong, live with tough situations and to overcome difficulties when faced with any.

This made her a really mature individual when it came to leaving home and being part of another family to lead the marriage in a good positive strong attitude.

Each time, some tough unkind situation happened at home, she would involve herself in some task that would help her forget the problems  in surrounding and manage time in a beneficial way.

Neither did she have enough food, the required books for school, electricity at home, and the resources that would encourage her; but she and many of her siblings moved ahead and did what they could best do in any situation.

Her experiences are something that I look back and learn a lesson from.


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